Independent Stampin Up! Demonstrator since 2007
Welcome to my little ole' stamping blog! I'm so glad that you stopped by! I have lots of creative things to share with you with the occasional life post thrown in! Come on in, relax and stay awhile! :)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Brick Wall Trial Run!

Hello!  Monday, Monday all day long!  Hope yours is a good one!  I have had a nice day!  I spent the morning playing with a technique that I have never tried called Brick Wall.  I needed to figure out how to do it because I have signed up for the neatest swap at Convention!!  What's that you say?!  You read it right!! C-O-N-V-E-N-T-I-O-N!!!! The little count down timer on my phone says it is only a mere 57 days away!!!  That means only 56 sleeps until I leave! Waaaaa-Hooooooo!!!! Anyhow!!  I signed up for an ATC (Artist Trading Card) Technique Swap!  You choose a technique and use that technique on your ATC.  When we get them all swapped out at Convention (!!!!) we will each leave with 28 different technique ATC's! They will all fit onto a keyring and will be an awesome tool to use for a series of technique classes!!   I chose the Brick Wall Technique because I happen to think it is a really cool idea!  Of course, as usual I put very little time into thinking ahead and it took me about 30 minutes to make one of these mini little masterpieces! LOL  My hubby pointed out to me that I would be devoting 14 hours to these! LOL we suffer for our craft! :)  After trying it out and despite the detailed work and time it will take I LOVE IT!!!  They are so pretty!  Here are my first attempts:

This is the first one I did.  You stamp your image and then cut the image into 1/2" strips and then each strip into tiny pieces.  They are supposed to stagger like real bricks, but that is much more difficult than it sounds when you are working with these tiny little guys!  After you cut it all apart you sponge all of the edges of each piece and then reassemble your image!  Easy Peasy! 

Here is my second attempt:

The colors are showing a little off in the photograph.  It actually turned out quite  pretty!  So what do you think?  Try it!  It is really cool! :)

Tons to do today, so I am off to do it! Have a wonderful day! I will be back soonest with more to share!


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